Rampage Wiki

Sailor man95 Sailor man95 24 days ago

Rampage needs another game

I wish there was there should’ve been one where Ralph should’ve been on four legs. Lizzie should’ve been a giant crocodile instead of a lizard or dinosaur and George Will will stay the same and would not to look similar to donkey Kong.

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Jacob Proper95 Jacob Proper95 6 July 2023

Scum labs

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Jakester95 Jakester95 5 July 2023

My childhood games

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Decidueye291 Decidueye291 24 July 2021

Rampage 2

There needs to be a Rampage movie 2 with all the characters from other games.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 18 August 2020


I really wondered, what happened if the monsters meet the Webosaurus.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 16 August 2020


Ferdinand is a bull and the main protagonist of Ferdinand. In my imagination, Rojo meets him and befriends each other or maybe they have a close relatives.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 16 August 2020


Minotaurs are monsters that resembling bull. Rojo is looks like a minotaur and in my imagination, he met other minotaurs like this one from The Legend of the Three Caballeros and Gravity Falls.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 10 August 2020

Can You Feel the Love Tonight

In my imagination, Leon the Lion Monster Listening to this music.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 30 July 2020

Garuda Indonesia

The Rampage monsters (that can do size manipulation or rides at the fusalge of the plane) on board Garuda Indonesia to Denpasar, Bali for a tropical holiday.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 24 July 2020

Dirty Dancing and Time of My Life

In my imagination, the Rampage monsters begin to dance just like from the 1987 movie, Dirty Dancing and using the music Time of My Life when having a party with the scientist and the cast. They did do the lifting too, like George and Ralph lifts Lizzie or Fabio lifts Sarah.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 20 July 2020

Pancakes or Hotcakes

This blog is about making pancakes or hotcakes. Relationship with this wiki, is Dwanyne 'The Rock' Johnson had his own pancake or hotcake recipe. Also, all Rampage monsters (including from the video game) will also make with his recipe or others like Gordon Ramsey.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 8 July 2020

Winter Games by David Foster

Winter Games is a soundtracke played by David Foster. I hope user and followers in this wiki will like this song.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 25 April 2020

The 23rd Anniversary of Volcano

Today (April 25th), it was the 23rd annivesary of the 1997 movie, Volcano. I hope the users, followers, and admins had watch this movie and also celebrate too.

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Wiryabudisantoso Wiryabudisantoso 23 April 2020

Earth Day

Today and yesterday, it was Earth Day. I hope this year the conservation and the environment will be improved well and the animals were well protected. For users, followers, admins, viewers, and gamers who follow this wiki (Rampage Wiki), Happy Earth Day and please watch National Geographic about Earth Day.

Also this is my first blog for Rampage Wiki.

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PlanetStar PlanetStar 30 March 2019

Review on Rampage

The movie brings King Kong to Chicago. It would make for a really interesting movie because I live near Chicago. The experiment on the satellite mutated a rat into a monster that would kill every personnel and canisters fell to Earth, setting the stage for what the movie is about. Canisters secreting out green gas is what mutated gorilla in California, wolf in Wisconsin, and crocodile in Florida. Because of the mutation, one of the gorilla, George, grow so big so fast that it needs to consume a grizzly bear in order to keep them going and gets strong, real strong. He manages to break out of cage that not even grizzly bear could do so by needing several hits with big heavy stone he was holding. Chicago would then be a battleground for Georg…

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BreakoutLizzy BreakoutLizzy 15 March 2018

can somebody fix Lizzie infobox I kinda ruined an image trying to put a new one

yeah sorry I'ma leave now also sorry for making you gotta clean dis up

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BreakoutLizzy BreakoutLizzy 17 November 2017


Guys,if you notice,on the side of the new lizzie's head....there's a frill,or fin.reply if you spot it.     

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RoboTogera-74 RoboTogera-74 12 November 2013

First time here!

Hey guys! I'm new to this whole wikia thing, and I hope to make very valuable contributions. :)

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 3 July 2013

Rampage: Total Destruction - All Monsters and Stats in these videos!

I have been meaning to type this up in, what, ages? Oh well! :3

So yeah, a YouTuber called Mr Whitman has uploaded 2 videos, revealing all of the monsters on the Wii version (also he shows the cards and stats on either side). If you feel like taking a screenshot of each card and statistic then that's great! It'll prove exceedingly useful for Rampage Wiki and its articles. The videos are as follows:

Rampage: Total Destruction (Wii) All Monsters Part 1

Rampage: Total Destruction (Wii) All Monsters Part 2

A big thank you to Mr Whitman for uploading these videos; I've been searching for weeks for a video detailing each of them (with footage also). Be sure to check out his channel too.


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Pjray02 Pjray02 19 April 2013


its  odd  all  my  pages   on  the  plants  vs  zombies  fanon  wiki  have  been  deleted  for  no  reson  it  sucks  i  just  dont  know  why  huh  

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Pjray02 Pjray02 12 April 2013

what whould shelby look like as a robot

like  slivers  post   this  is  what  shelby  whould   look  like  as  a  robot


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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 9 April 2013

What would Crock look like as a Zombie?

Well, this blog post is technically a day late... oh well...

Another week has passed for Kaiju Combat, so you know what that means? Monster Mondays! That means a new kaiju is released at weekly intervals. This week's monster is a giant, voodoo-possessed zombie alligator: Grimmgarl!

Yes, I know it is an Alligator, and Crocodiles and Alligators differ in some ways. or instance, an Alligator's "snout" is much longer than a Crocodile's.

Grimmgarl was one of my favourite fanmade kaiju and now she is getting the opportunity to appear in Kaiju Combat!

Though I have a feeling Kaiju Combat is going to suck, Grimmgarl might just make up for some of the much lamer monsters submitted.

This kaiju was just a one-off; I shan't be doing regular Monster Mondays…

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 21 March 2013

Some Good News!

As bad as this first part sounds, my Samsung computer was no longer capable of editing wiki articles (for some unexplained reason). Then, even worse, my computer failed to establish internet connections. I told my parents and they feared that it was a virus I may have accidentally downloaded. However, the answer was simple: re-establish the connection. It worked!

Now, onto the actual good news: my parents also downloaded the Firefox search engine, as Internet Explorer kept on screwing up. Firefox supports article editing, so now I am able to edit articles once again, and not not just post comments!

Oh, and tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY! Friday the 22nd of March! Happy birthday to me!

Thank you for reading!

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Pjray02 Pjray02 10 March 2013

Strange ...

its   odd  curtis  is  not  playble  in  total  destrucion

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 8 March 2013

PLEASE READ! New Monster Article Format!

UPDATE - if you see "~Official Rampage: Total Destruction description~" beneath monster descriptions, please change it so it says "- Official Description". It's neater and tidyer. I mean people can take our word for it.

I have been experimenting with different kinds of ways the articles can be constructed. So far most of them are wordy, and because many of the monsters are, shall we say, relatively the same gameplay wise, we want each monster article, particularly Rampage: Total Destruction monsters, interesting to read. Should they be more humorous or should they be a serious format and leave Rampage Monstrologie Wiki to do it for us?

Anyhow here is a suggestive template:

"Insert monster description here."

~ Official 'X' description ~

X is a ? m…

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Pjray02 Pjray02 7 March 2013

what can i do for the wiki

i  want  to  help  with  the   wiki  but  i  cant  photoshop   i  dont   have  the game  so  what  can  i  do  for  the  wiki  ?  

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 26 January 2013

Who on earth is ... "Lorge"?

Hello Rampage Wiki Contributors! I have typed up this blog post to type up a very curious question:

I was casually searching for Rampage 2: Universal Tour cheat codes for the first Playstation, so then I could eventually type them in the Rampage 2: Universal Tour article. But then I came a cross a code for a surposed monster by the name of "Lorge". Who the heck is Lorge? Is he an actual monster or did some pitiful fanboy type it up? Is it just a combination of George and Lizzie? Somebody has a lot of explaining to do ...

If any of you fellow readers know about this"Lorge" monster, then please inform me about him. What I want to know is: Is he real or fake? The alledged password to "unlock" him is 'SZ27X'. I have only played the Nintendo 64 ver…

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 11 January 2013

Someone is posting fake articles on Rampage Wiki ...

Hello everyone! And happy new year to you all! Its 2013 and the world still hasn't ended ... yet.

Fellow logged in Rampage Wiki contributors, "We have a problem ...".

Basically, someone on this wiki - of which is not registered - has been creating fake articles, consisting of fake Rampage videogames, characters and "TV episodes" of which do not exist. This person is entirely defeating the purpose of it even being a wiki dedicated to Rampage.

Why bother updating Rampage Wiki if someone keeps breaking the rules? Fake and/or fan content is not allowed on this wiki unless its your OWN user page; everybody knows that! But because this person is not logged in I don't know who it could possibly be!

To all you other fellow Rampage Wiki contributors: please kee…

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 13 December 2012

Pro Photoshoppers, we need YOU!

Hello, and welcome again to the Devil Hulk Rampage Wiki blog! There are now 12 days left until Christmas! Excited huh? Right, down to business ...

Now, as some of you may be aware, the images of Rampage monsters uploaded are landscape (on it's side). The pictures feature the monster standing vertically but because of the big grey borders on either side of the monster, it makes the image horizontal. None of them are portrait images, which is why I am asking people who are fans of Rampage and are Photoshop experts, because ...

Yes, we do! We need photoshopping experts like you to edit 3D render images of monsters on each Rampage monster article so they have a clear background (no grey!) and to crop all the sides so they just about touch the top, bottom…

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 10 December 2012

Rampage Wiki is OFFICIALY a shambles ...

Welcome back to the Devil Hulk blog! Its the start of a new week, there are 15 days left until christmas and ... well, I'm feeling a bit glum.

I joined Rampage Wiki only a few weeks ago, and already it is a complete and utter wreck! Badly constructed articles, chunks of information (and sentences) that make no sense, false information -- I didn't even know the monsters were running this Wiki! No wonder everything looks like its been given a good battering. Some people don't even know how to spell or where to put commas and full stops. There are also issues regarding 'voice actors' for all the monsters, some of which apparently voice giant robots and popstars. Some people have even been typing up rumorous suggestions of monster relationships; Rampage is…

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MechanicOrga MechanicOrga 3 December 2012

Kaiju Combat!

A game called Kaiju Combat has been announced and is currently in kickstarter phase. It is basically a giant monster fighting game based upon the same engine that ran similar games such as Godzilla:Unleashed. It is also going to be produced by Simon Strange, the lead developer of the project that not only brought us the Godzilla computer game trilogy but Rampage: Total Destruction  aswell! Unfortunately, him and his design team have very little money to spare producing the game; they need $60,000 (I think) to fund the game's production, so please help this giant gem come into reality by donating money to it's development! If you donate $45 or more you get exclusive access to Kaiju Combat's developers forums, donate more and-- well, click th…

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